student Learning and preparation specialist is a scientifically grounded system of didactic and methodological design of teaching material, the absorption of which provides education and receive a certain qualifications based on developed byedepartments programs of bachelor, specialist and master. The structure of these programs meet the requirements of “Regulations about the organization of educational process NTUU “KPI”, approved by the academic Council of University
the Content of these programs takes into account the best traditions of the educational process at the departments of the faculty and the experience of the world famous universities technical direction. For training of specialist or master's degree (complete higher education) cycles of special disciplines in accordance make 74-78% and 84-87%. Program structure provides nepreryvnosti mathematical, computer and economic training of specialists.
On the basis of the curricula of the chair for each academic year are developed curricula that allows you to quickly adjust the training of specialist and, in connection with smenauscheesa the requirements of customers regions of Ukraine and from the need to reflect a modern scientific-technical achievements in the direction of each specialty. This is done on the basis of the unit selective disciplines and disciplines of specializations (20%) specialty Electric systems and networks.
When performing educational process constant attention is paid to increasing individualization of learning. This is achieved, first, through individual learning plans for each of the master and part of specialists (according to specific customer requirements), and secondly, on the basis of introduction of computer technologies. So on chairs was developed and implemented computer abstracts of lectures, programs for course and diploma projects, programs of control of students ' knowledge and other educational software products. This ensures an increase in both computer and special training specialist.
Practical orientation of training of specialists-graduates of special departments reflects the theme, content and results of diploma projects.