According to the State education standard, mandatory element of the educational-professional training of students is practical training, the most important component of which is the production practice.

     the content of the practice is determined by the educational-professional characteristics and educational-professional programs of preparation of bachelors, specialists, masters.

1. The curriculum preparation of bachelors in the direction 141 "Electrical power engineering, electrotechnology and electromechanic" provides technology practice in 6 semester for 3 weeks and undergraduate in the 8th semester, too, for 3 weeks.

    Technological practice are produced at enterprises of power systems, electric power stations, electric networks, in departments of leading power engineers of industrial enterprises.

     Place externship is determined according to  with the theme of the degree project.

     these are the enterprises of power systems, design and research institutes, enterprises, carry out installation and adjustment of electric networks and equipment.

2. The curriculum and educational qualification Specialist include the externship, which is the direct preparation for independent work as an electrical engineer, specializing in the design, installation  and operation of the equipment of electric networks, research, programming, optimization calculations of modes of electric power systems.

    Pregraduation practice is provided in 11 semester for 8 weeks and is carried out in accordance with the theme of the degree project.

3. Educational-qualifying level  Master  provides for mandatory research in practice 12 semester within 4 weeks.

   the Practice takes place in research institutes or in the scientific departments, chairs of NTUU "KPI".

   According Department concludes bilateral agreements with enterprises, which are the bases of industrial practice.

   To such enterprises include:

-         SE "Ukrenergo";

-         the Central energy system (CES) SE "Ukrenergo";

-         CES SE "Ukrenergo". Kiev main electrical networks;

-         JSC "Kyivenergo" (TPP-5, the Cable network branch);

-         the Institute of electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine;

-         CJSC "Diprotsyvilprombud";

-         UPWIND "Energomontazhproekt";

-         SE "Ukrenergo". Separate subdivision "Scientific and technical center of electric power industry";

-         JSC "Ukrnaftogascomplect";

-         OJSC "Kiev plant of relay and automatics";

-         JSC "Kievkhimvolokno".

    Besides this, as the bases of practice are separate enterprises non-state owned over conditions of their request and the conclusion of bilateral contracts.
